Practical infos
- Open during the Contemporaine de Nîmes, from April 5 to June 23, 2024.
- Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 6pm, Saturdays and Sundays 10am to 6:30pm. Closed May 1st.
- Opening party Sunday, April 7, 3pm to 5pm.
- Free admission.
16 place de la Maison Carrée, 30900 Nîmes

Exhibition view, "Monstera", November 2022, La Vallée, Brussels.
© Monstera collectif.
Within a few steps of the reception desk of the Contemporaine de Nîmes, also located in the lobby of Carré d’Art, the four artists Delphine Dénéréaz, Léna Gayaud, Bridget Low and Opale Mirman, gathered as a collective under the name of Monstera, transformed the space into a life-size doll’s house, playing with the codes of childhood and domesticity. This House of the Contemporaine de Nîmes is an ideal place to take a break from visiting the exhibition “La Fleur et la Force” [The Flower and the Strength], and is also designed as a space conducive to encounters, games and creativity.