- Project presented during the Contemporaine de Nîmes, from April 6 to June 23, 2024.
- Wednesday to Saturday, 1pm to 6pm from April 6 to May 25, then by appointment.
- Opening: Saturday, April 6 at 5pm.
- Free admission.
- Contact: pamelartistrunspace@gmail.com
6 bis Rue Sainte-Catherine, 30900 Nîmes

Echoing the theme of the 1st Contemporaine de Nîmes, the members of Pamela Artist-run space have devised an exhibition entitled “Sérum Anti-Âge”[Anti-aging serum], which runs throughout the event.
The use of the term “Sérum Anti-Âge” could be interpreted as a rather naïve response to an equally naïve question: does art prevent artists from aging, or at least slow down the aging process? While at first the cosmetic reference to Anti-aging serum seems obvious, it’s its polysemy and the many possibilities it opens up that are of interest to the artists of Pamela Artist-run space, and which the exhibition calls upon: magic and incantation rituals, the suspended time of fiction and the measured time of statistics, balms and care routines, the relevance or obsolescence of mediums, or even the transmission beyond time. Notions that constitute some of the many paths they have explored so far.
With and by: Steven Le Priol, Margaux Fontaine, Lydia Rump, Audrey Martin, Margaux Szymkowicz, Lucile Diacono
Pamela is not a collective, Pamela is an artistic cooperative.
Pamela facilitates the pooling of material and immaterial resources for the benefit of artists within its territory and beyond.
Pamela is a tool with constantly reinvented uses that reflects on the current situation of artists to invent practices for the future.
Pamela is a platform for interaction among various actors and audiences in the art world.
Pamela is a counterpoint.
Pamela is a terrain for aesthetic, political, economic, and social experimentation to further question what art can and should be today.
Pamela is a point on the map.